
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:41:59

[摘要] 1995年10月18日,自世界第一家网络银行¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬— —美国这些天一直在弄论文,其它都过关了,就这个英文摘要老师始终说不对。之前找的朋友和去网上在线翻译的,老师那过不了关,眼看今年就该定稿的时间了,请各位朋友帮忙译一下,不甚感谢。要译的内容如下:“安全第一网络银行(SFNB)开业以来,国际金融界掀起了一股网络银行风潮。这一金融创新正在彻底改变金融业和金融市场的形态,银行由实体化向虚拟化发展,网络银行在拓宽银行范围、提高金融效率的同时,也对传统的银行业监管提出了挑战。”

The opening of SFNB has brought the network banks extensively to the internet fanicial field.The innovation of finance has completely changed the situation of finance and financial market by transforming banks from materialization into imaginization.Network banks are challenging to the supervision and management of the traditional banks,simultaneously,have broadened the region of banks and enhanced the financial efficiency.

Security First Network Bank (SFNB) opened, the international financial community rise to an Internet banking crisis. This financial innovation is being completely changed the financial sector and financial markets, the shape, the banks by the entity of the virtual Development, Internet banks to broaden the scope of banks and improve financial efficiency, while traditional banking is also a challenge.

on October 18, 1995, has been maki