
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 17:16:01


A swiss family encountered storm during the trip abroad. They were abandoned by the sea crew, and drifted to a wild land. They started a simple, busy and strange and interesting new life by the leftovers on the ship and diligent spirit.

The book opened my eyes widely, and shocked my soul. If we can insist on in front of difficulties and obtain the fearless survival spirit like them. There's nothing we cannot conquer, there's nothing more difficult than they experienced, right? Nowadays, we are living like followers in the warm room, without any real difficulties. We can only become strong by experiencing these difficulties. The book told me this theory.

The Swiss like family emigrated voyage in the storm, was again abandoned by a sailor on board, they drift to a desert island, find the will and the items left on board to hard-working hands and started simple and full, strange and interesting new life.
This book opened me a vision, it makes my heart