
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 16:32:12
尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师:上午好,很荣幸能够参加贵公司的面试。对我来说,这次机会显得尤为珍贵。我是来自某某学院的学生某某,我是沈阳人,可能在坐的各位考官都会有所了解,沈阳人给大家的印象就是豪爽奔放,我也不例外,我是个典型的外向女孩。但是外向并不代表做事不拘小节,不严谨。我的座右铭是海阔天空去想,踏踏实实来做。在校期间担任过许多社团组织的社会实践活动,培养了我良好的沟通能力和组织能力,更是体现出了我的团队精神。我的大学四年生活,即将结束,新的开始,等待我的是新的挑战。贵公司这次招聘的职位是技术支持,虽然我对技术方面不是很擅长,但我对计算机方面有着浓厚的情趣,属于业余爱好,我信赖贵公司的培训体系和我自己的快速学习能力会是我很快上手,另一方面我一直对惠普都充满着向往,通过阅读《笑着离开惠普》使我了解了惠普之道,就像这书上说的招聘是一场理性的婚姻,惠普公司伟大的创始人BILL曾经说过相信任何人都会努力工作,并能创造性的工作,只要赋予它适宜的环境 他们就一定能够成功,我真诚的希望能有机会可以加入惠普这个团队!也希望各位考官能够给我一次展现自己的机会,相信惠普给我一次机会,我会还惠普一个奇迹,谢谢。
我不是英语专业的 但是学校要求得有英语的自己介绍啊!谢谢大家了 帮我一把把。大恩不言谢啊!

Dear examiner, distinguished judges Teacher: Good morning, I am gald to be able to participate in your interview. For me, this opportunity is particularly valuable. I come from such and such a college student so and so, I was in Shenyang, which may be in the sitting Members examiner will understand, Shenyang people give us the impression that the bold and unrestrained, I'm no exception, I was a typical outgoing girl. But the outward-looking does not mean that work was sloppy, not rigorous. My motto is brighter think about it, steadily and surely do. During the school held a number of community organizations in social practice activities, to develop my communication skills and good organizational skills, but also reflects my spirit. My four-year life, coming to an end, new beginning, waiting for my new challenge. The position of your company recruit technical support, although I am not very good at the technical aspects, but I am on the computer has a strong taste, are hobbies, I