不良电视节目 英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:00:16
英文怎么讲 不良电视节目?难道是 unhealthy tv program?

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Posts Tagged ‘unhealthy children’s tv’Tuesday, August 11th 2009

Today I’ll begin my blog with a couple of health subjects. First of all the Swine Flue again, which seems to be spreading more quickly than before, and some 2,000 Israelis have been diagnosd with it according to the Health Ministry, but they estimate that the actual number of people infected with the virus in Israel is much higher, due to carriers who have not been tested. They say that vaccine is going to be bought from abroad, but it is feared it will be late in coming. In the meanwhile different precautions are being taken for crowded places, especially schools, as the new school year begins in about three weeks.

Another health “problem” seems to be a children’s cooking program on television, which a large group of pediatricians want removed. They say the things cooked on this program are all unhealthy ones, containing much fat, sugar and chocolate. Childre