
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 11:57:43



I have been practiced as a bachelor student in Qi Xiang Tech Co.,Ltd. in Chang Chun City, and participated in designing a project named "DSP Function Generator"of that company. As I was in charge of designing the control panel, which found a basis for my graduate paper, titled"The Application of Delphi 7 in DSP Function Generator". My achievement was phraised by all round the company due to my excellent work.

I was enrolled by the Ad. Dept. of (斜体)Ji Da Yougth for contacting Ad. business operation in my first year in the university.My clients including: Ji Lin Prov. Foreign Language Bookstore, Chang Chun City Ai Bo Glassesstore, Xi Shu Bookstore- Chang Chun Branch. In my second year, I took the post as the director of Ad. Dept. of Ji Da Yougth, and held the "'Le kai Cup' Chang Chun City University Student Photography Exhibition",and "'Ke Gao Computer' Campus Tour" in associating with Ji Da Yougth.
