
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 10:29:53
As the time goes by, I still have not gotten a job. I sleep all day. Lentitude has become my habit.

本以为在tisher liner的工作经历会对我找工作有所帮助,可是上周投出的两份申请都石沉大海。更别提那些Graduate Program了,全军覆灭。

In initially, I think that the working experience in Tisher Liner will provide me more opportunities in hunting the job, but the truth is that I have not received any feedbacks from the companies which I submitted application in last two weeks.

Today, I feel great harvest after reading an article on Zenhabit.

其中有一条:All the stuff you’re doing that seems hard – it will be of use.
In this article, one sentence says: “All the stuff you’re doing that seems hard – it will be of use.”

太有启发了,我现在所面对的所有困难,常常让我绝望气馁。但是这绝对不是世界末日,这只是生存的一个过程,成长的一部分罢啦。Those cannot Kill you will Make You Stronger.

The article gives me some big findings. Currently, when I face the all difficulties, I

still have not gotten a job. ----got
sleep all day---all the day
provide me more opportunities in hunting the job----wiil help me in finding jobs.
but the truth is that I have not received any feedbacks from the companies which I submitted application in last two weeks.
------but actually all the application forms I had submitted last two weeks had no replies

feel great harvest ----felt having great harvest

In this article---the

The article gives me some big findings---the article impressed me.

It is only a part of life or a part which I had to face when I grow up.
----it is just something I must experienced when I was slowing grow up.

But my disappointment results from the job seeking---but i was disappointed because of the results of the job-finding process.

So why should I be worry too much about my job?
---s owhy should I gave myself useless pressure

Through thinking my