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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 15:27:03
Mary Riley Dikel, creator of The Riley Guide, a directory of employment and career resources on the Internet, said: "One job seeker told me, 'I think I'd be more successful distributing my résumé by opening my window and throwing it out.' You do feel like you're going into a black hole."
To that frustration, add the risk that identity thieves may steal information from résumés posted on job sites - and to estimates that only 3 percent to 5 percent of job seekers find employment through the sites - and it is reasonable to ask, Why bother?
Recruiters and career counselors typically turn the question around and ask, Why not? Applicants, they say, need to recognize that job boards are but one tool among many that can be used to find work.
"The Internet is an absolutely necessary tool in your job search arsenal, but it's not your only tool," Ms. Dikel said. "Use Monster and professional associations and local and state job boards a

玛丽·瑞蕾·蒂考是 “瑞蕾指南”的创办人。“瑞蕾指南”是关于就业和职业方面的人名地址录的网站。她曾说:“一个找工作的人曾经告诉我说:'我想如果我打开窗户把我的简历直接扔出去的话,说不定我会更加成功'。 的确,你真的觉得你在走进一个‘黑洞’”





而在这些利用网络搜索引擎的求职网站中有一个是JobCentral.com, 这个网站针对几家主要的公司把他们列表并提供直接的网页地址链接到这些公司的主页去申请工作的。为了降低支付大规模的猎头公司不断上涨的费用,一些公司象IBM,惠普和 Intel 等的总裁们,开始努力寻找方法,之后才出现了这个的网站。