
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 23:41:20
这个故事讲述的是Mr Williams为博物馆收集关于英国乡村住房或教堂的画作,有一次他用20磅买了一幅画,令人惊奇的是,这幅画不断变化,有白天和黑夜,甚至出现了人

This story tells an experience about Mr Williams who collected artworks of Britain country house or of church for a museum. Once he bought an artwork by 20 pound. Then the surprising thing happened: that artwork changed unceasingly. There were day and night and even human in the picture.

Mr Williams for the museum to collect information on English country house or church paintings, once he bought 20 pounds a painting, it is surprising that the painting ever-changing, there are day and night, even a man

The story of Mr Williams for the museum to collect information on English country house or church paintings, once he bought 20 pounds a painting, it is surprising that the painting ever-changing, there are day and night, even human

this is a story about how mr williams collected the painting works of Britain rural houses or churches for the museum. He once bought a painting for 20 pounds. What is amazing is that this painting kept changing of d