
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 11:57:58
解释:to enter a place in a large group and keep control of it, especially by military force [↪ invade]:
an occupying army
Students occupied Sofia university on Monday.

Reading occupies most of my free time.
The bathroom is occupied.
This game will keep the children occupied.
She is occupied in writing a novel.

*** occupied

1. occupied (adj.)被占有的

2. Occupy (v. t.)占有

3. occupied ( adj) 形容词

例句 1: held or filled or in use; "she keeps her time well

occupied"; "the wc is occupied" [ant: {unoccupied}]

2: seized and controlled as by military invasion; "the occupied

countries of Europe" [ant: {unoccupied}]

3: resided in; having tenants; "not all the occupied (or

tenanted) apartments were well kept up" [syn: {tenanted}]

4: having ones attention or mind or energy engaged; "she keeps

herself fully occupied with volunteer activities"; "dee