
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 10:41:59
美国一战还是二战的时候颁布了一个禁止言论自由的条例 叫什么名字??谁颁布的?那个条例的影响是正面的多还是负面的多?? 英文的资料也没有关系!急求!谢谢!!

因为怕没人回答 所以没有设分 一旦有好的答案绝对给出我全部的财富值(只有45 对不起啊 就是因为恶心的BD弄了个新政策 害得我的分一下子没用了)





蒋介石。叫 不抵抗。正面多。东北全部沦陷了

Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919), was a United States Supreme Court decision which concluded that a defendant did not have a First Amendment right to free speech against the draft during World War I. Charles Schenck was the Secretary of the Socialist party and was responsible for printing, distributing, and mailing 15,000 leaflets to men eligible for the draft that advocated opposition to the draft. These leaflets contained statements such as; "Do not submit to intimidation", "Assert your rights", "If you do not assert and support your rights, you are helping to deny or disparage rights which it is the solemn duty of all citizens and residents