英译汉翻译 急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 05:45:52
One of the clearest signs that our relationship to the global environment is in severe crisis is the floodtide of garbage spilling out of our cities and factories.What some have called the “throwaway society”had been based on the assumption that endless resources will allow us to produce an endless supply of goods and that bottomless receptacles—landfills and ocean dumping sites will allow us to dipose of an endless stream of waste.But now we are beginning to drown in that stream.Having relied for too long on the old strategy “out of sight ,out of mind,”we are now running out of ways to dispose of our waste in a manner that keeps it out of either sight or mind.

对于全球环境的严重危机而言,最明显的标志就是从城市和工厂中产生的潮水一般的垃圾。有人称现在的社会为“抛弃型社会”(相对于循环型社会Recycling-oriented Society),这种“抛弃型社会”是建立在我们拥有无限的资源,允许我们生产无限的产品,垃圾填埋场和海洋可以容纳无限的垃圾的假设之上的。但现在我们开始遇到了麻烦。长久以来我们都在按照“眼不见心不烦”的策略行事,现在我们正在改变这种处理垃圾的方式。
