
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 14:51:53
学习影视后期首先必须掌握一门影视专业编辑软件,目前的专业软件有很多,比较容易上手的有:Premiere, After Effects 等等。但在学会并且掌握软件之前,首先要对电影、电视、广告等常见的影视类型进行一番研究。作为一个专业的影视后期制作人,我们要认真地观看这些我们习以为常的影视作品,去学习它们的制作流程和特技特效。为了了解它们的制作方法,甚至要逐格播放进行分析。另外,一些影视创作的理论知识也非常重要,比如剧本创作、戏剧理论、叙事手法、广告创意等等。对这些有了进一步的了解后,再加上已经熟练掌握的软件技术,我们就可以开始制作自己的短片了。我们对影视初级制作者的要求是:1.剪辑的连贯性;2.配乐与影片的融合性;3.技术性。


Studying film and video post must first master a professional video editing software, the current professional software there are many relatively easy to get started are: Premiere, After Effects and so on. However, learn and master the software, first we have the film, television, advertising and other common type of a study of film and television. As a professional film and television post-production, we have to carefully watch television programs and movies we have become accustomed to learn from their production processes and special effects. In order to understand their production methods, or even play-by-cell analysis. In addition, some theoretical knowledge of creative film and television is also very important, such as script writing, drama theory, narrative technique, advertising creative and so on. With a better understanding of these, together with the already familiar with the software technology, we can begin to create their own video of. We are the primary producers of