
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 19:55:17
1 加拿大是个和平的国家,经济发达。当然,最主要的是环境优美。
2 我准备去蒙特利尔,因为蒙特利尔是加拿大北部的重要城市,也是一个旅游生活的绝佳选择

Canada is a peaceful country 1,the economy is well developed .and the most important is the beautiful environment there.
2 I prepare to travel Montreal, Montreal is the most important city in the north of Canada, Montreal is a good place to travel.
3 I manage to learn the language as soon as possible, I believe that language is not big problem for me.
4 Quebec is a province in the east of Canada, capital is Quebec city, Montreal is the biggest city . About 80% of people who live here are French,there are two official languages, English and French, but a significant proportion of people speak French. The industry in Quebec is well developed, the main heavy industries includ: non-ferrous metal smelting, steel, chemical, shipbuilding, electrician. Light industries includ: food, pulp and paper, wood processing, clothing, and so on. Summer tourism industry is filled, ther are lots of sights in Quebec city, it is a historic city in North America.

1 Cana