
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 01:32:16
1.What was the little girl's song about?
2.Where was the story take place?
3.Why did Jack Sparrow give clerk 3 shilings instead of 1?
4.On what purpose did Jack Sparrow choose to sail to that specific island?
5.What was the commodore proposing Elizabeth when she fell?
6.While Jack Sparrow was rescusing Elizabath,what happened to the sky?Why?

1. About pirates.
2. Port Royal.
3. Because he didn't want to tell the clerk his name.
4. He wanted to commandeer one of these ships.
5. He was proposing Elizabeth to marry him.
6. The sky turned dark and there was big wind.

4:Because Jack wanted his ship(Black Pearl,taken by Babosa) back.
5:The commodore was trying to propose marriage to Beth.
6:The sky darkened due to some unexplainable magic,probably because that very Aztec Gold Elizabeth wearing,it is cursed,and it was calling for the Black Pear to take it back