来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:39:36
"Earth Song" is a song by Michael Jackson featured on Jackson's 1995 HIStory album.

When it was released as a single in December of 1995, it debuted at number #1 in the United Kingdom, where it remained for the next 6 consecutive weeks, becoming the Christmas number-one single of 1995, and the first #1 single of 1996 [1]. It became Jackson's most successful single release in the United Kingdom to date, achieving sales in excess of 1 million there, and remained on the UK Singles Chart for 19 weeks in total. The single sold 3.15 million copies worldwide, making it Jackson's fourth most successful single in terms of sales. It wasn't released as a single in the US, but as a b-side to the promotional single This Time Around. [1]

The song's music video depicts the Earth being destroyed by humans, and alludes to environmental and poverty issues in the world. The visuals present the destruction of rainforests by loggers, animals killed by poa


当它在12月发布作为一个单一的1995年,它推出的数字,在英国,它在接下来的6个星期仍然#1,成为圣诞节的头号1995单,第一单的#1 1996 [1]。杰克逊成为最成功的英国单一发行至今,实现了超过100万的销售那里,在英国单曲排行榜停留19个星期。单售出3150000套的销售量,成为杰克逊的第四个最成功的单在销售方面。这不是释放在美国单一的,而是作为B面的宣传单,这一段时间。 [1]

