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Bats, birds met on the period from birds, animals met on the purported beast. People much more clever than the bats on. He will bat in turn, application of the method: In birds, where chosen to act as animals that down to earth; in mammals where chosen to act as a bird that is born superior to the elegance Taketo show off to the writers pretend heroes; in the upper society, he is a poor and hard of civilians, to among the civilian population, he is under the care of cultural condescension elements: Of course this is not a bat, this is just - people.
Ants and Cuzhi's story: In winter, ants bring out a grain of rice in the winter sun; Cuzhi hungry half-dead, for grain to the ants, ants, said: "singing in the summer is that you have a good time, and now starving, you probably deserve it!" This story should be well below. According to Plato's "Dialogues. Phaedrus, "said Cuzhi evolution into a poet. It follows that, sitting watching the poor poet, hungry,