
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 21:10:33

摘 要

在“蝴蝶效应”的作用下, 美国次贷危机引起了全球范围内金融市场的剧烈动荡。经济金融全球化以及日益激烈的金融市场竞争为现代商业银行风险管理提出了更高的要求。尽管此次美国次级房贷风波未殃及我国,但对日益开放的中国金融业以及资产投机气氛渐浓的股市楼市来说,亦具有借鉴作用,中国更应该考虑的是如何从美国次贷危机中吸取教训,未雨绸缪,有备无患。该文剖析了美国次贷危机的发生及其影响,并深入分析了美国次贷危机对国内银行经营管理的启示,并且探讨了我国银行业应对美国次贷危机的对策。
【关键词】次贷危机 次级抵押贷款 商业银行 风险管理 金融监管

The policy of China's banking against the subprime crisis

since at the beginning of 2007, the world presented an American overlying mortgage loan crisis, this crisis afterward evolved into the whole world contraction of credit. This crisis by the astonishing speed spread, was bigger than the late-1980s's US heir apparent to the West financial organ and the whole world money market's impact on loan the organization crisis, was also not inferior to 11 year ago the financ

China's banking sector deal with the U.S. sub-prime crisis response


Since the beginning of 2007 the world has witnessed a U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis that later evolved into a global credit crunch. Crisis spreading at an alarming rate, to Western financial institutions and global financial markets, the impact is greater than the 20th century, late 80's crisis, the U.S. savings and loan institutions, but also no less than 11 years ago, the Asian financial crisis. It is combined with the U.S. housing recession and fermentation is the development of further slowdown in the U.S. economy, and the world economy have a certain negative impact.
In the "butterfly effect" under the influence of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis has caused a worldwide upheaval in financial markets. Economic and financial globalization and increasingly fierce competition in the financial markets in a modern commercial bank risk management has put forw