
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:38:32
As a consequence, aggregate demand has strengthened considerably, aided greatly by stimulative fiscal and monetary policies. Reductions in personal taxes have supported disposable income despite a lagging labor market. In addition, the partial-expensing provision for new business equipment is lowering the cost of capital and thereby likely boosting investment spending. The accommodative stance of monetary policy has raised the prices of assets on household balance sheets and lowered the cost of acquiring houses and durable goods, while also reducing the cost of capital for businesses and helping them to strengthen their financial positions.



Statistics show that China's per capita coal, oil and natural gas resources, respectively the world's per capita possession of 55.67%, 11.14%, 4.38%, from the energy structure, China's coal energy is abundant, but the advantages of oil and other more efficient energy sources shortage. And energy shortages, unreasonable structure, contrary to the reality of the extensive mode of economic growth, which will surely make the energy supply and demand and the structure of great disharmony. In this regard, "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" in the clear in 2010 per capita gross domestic product for China to achieve double that of 2000, emphasized the energy consumption per unit of GDP than the "15" end to reduce about 20% of the development goals . Energy-saving goals depends largely on the energy intensity of the situation, based on this, this paper, the "95" Since China's economic growth and energy consumption compared to the analysis of China