浮生六记 论李杜 译文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 16:52:02

芸曰:“古文全在识高气雄,女子之学恐难以入彀,唯诗之一道,妾稍有领悟尔。”余曰:“唐以诗取士,而诗之宗匠比推李杜,卿爱宗何人?”芸发议曰:“杜诗锤炼精纯,李诗激扬落拓。与其学杜之森严,不如学李之活泼。"余曰;"工部为诗家之大成,学者多宗之,卿独取李,何也?”芸曰:“格律谨严,词旨老当,诚杜所独擅,但李诗宛如姑射仙子,有一种落花流水之趣,令人可爱。非杜亚于李,不过妾之私心宗杜心浅,爱李心深 。”

"the ancient literature,"Yun said,"depends for its appeal on depth of thought and greatness of spirit,which I am afraid it is difficult for a woman to attain. I believe, however, that I do understand something of poetry."
"Poetry was used," I said,"as a literary test in the imperial examinations of the T'ang Dynasty, and people acknowledge Li Po and Tu Fu as the master poets. Which of the two do you like better?"
"Tu's poems,"She said,"are known for their workmanship and artistic refinement, while Li's poems are known for their freedom and naturalness of expression. I prefer the vivacity of Li Po to the severity of Tu Fu."
"Tu Fu is the acknowledged king of poets," said I,"and he is taken by most people as their model. Why do you prefer Li Po?"
"Of course,"said she,"as for perfection of form and maturity of thought, Tu is the undisputed master, but Li Po'