
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 04:55:31
Bah. The tense is the same, of course, and both of them make good sense and are perfectly grammatical. The difference is EMPHASIS by STYLE, in this case a choice between two implied but unstated metaphors:

"OF your life" treats a life as if it were a THING, in this case a LIVING thing that can POSSESS moments. In other words, an implied subject an verb are lurking in the shadows "What is the happiest moment your life possesses?" Of course that's awkward, so the figure of speech gives it power by stating it metaphorically. And "is" is the perfect verb--we cling to our happiest moments as if they always live in the present.

"IN the life" SPATIALIZES a life instead of personalizing it. A life becomes a length of time with happy moments along its graphic line like glowing stars; or a VOLUME that encloses and preserves those precious moments like stars in a clear Lucite block.

And that is what is called "STYLE

哦不。时态是相同的,当然,其中既包括明智和完美的语法。所不同的是形式重点。在这个例子中 在两个隐晦的比喻中选择





这一大篇说的是两个词组的区别,或者说就是解释 of life 和 in life 这两种修辞手法的区别。主要的区别在于修辞的风格。of life 是采用了拟人化,把“生活/生命”形容成为一个有生命的东西,它具备“拥有”生命中那些快乐时光的能力,就好像某种只生活在阴影里的生物那样。in life 是把“生活/生命”当作一个静物来形容,就是一条直线,叫生命线也可以吧,那些快乐时光不过是这条线上闪闪发光的星辰;或者说它就像一个容器一样,把这些快乐时光保存并珍藏起来。这就是修辞的风格,对作家来说,在动手之前他们需要考虑写作的目的和方法。

