
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:57:42
Another interesting aspect of the novel is the character Bertha Mason. Bronte herself, alluding to the latest developments in Victorian psychiatric theory, attributed Bertha’s behavior to “moral madness” (qtd. in Showalter 73). Women were thought to be more susceptible to such disorders. Sexual appetite was considered one of the chief symptoms of moral insanity in women; it was subject to severe sanctions and was regarded as abnormal or pathological. According to Showalter, the periodicity of Bertha’s attack suggests a connection to the menstrual cycle, which many Victorian physicians understood as a system for the control of female sexuality. Rochester’s complicity in the destruction of his wife’s spirit is indicated in Jane’s recognition of the third story’s resemblance to a corridor in “Blubeard’s castle” (Bronte 138). In trying to persuade her to become his mistress, Rochester asks, “If you were mad, do you think I should hate you?” “I do indeed, sir,” Jane replies, and she is sure

关于这个小说的另一个有趣的事情是:维多利亚时期精神病理论的最新研究表明,梅森她自己的举止颇有些“道德疯狂”。妇女被认为更易产生这些精神失常,在这些“道德疯狂”的症状之中,“对性的欲望”又居首位,这种病症在当时被认作变态,且会受到严厉的制裁。Showalter说,梅森精神失常的频率与她的生理周期有某种联系,而这种联系被维多利亚时期的精神病学家们认为是对女性的性的控制系统。在简爱与第她的三个故事blubeard’s castle的相似处,勃朗特暗指了罗切斯特折磨他妻子的精神的罪行。为了说服简成为他的second妻子时,罗切斯特说:“如果你也疯了,你认为我会恨你吗?”简回答到:“是的,先生”,她这么说确实对。梅森的死,那种“对于肉的欲望的消逝”,是在罗与简的关系取得任何成功进展之前的。当他们最终成婚,他们平等了,“不仅因为罗切斯特在失去他的手和眼时明白了无助是什么滋味,并且学会了如何去接受帮助,更因为简,在摧毁自己内心深处的晦暗的情感时,真正成为了她“自己的mistress”
总而言之,夏洛特 勃朗特的简爱毫无疑问的是一部具有深远意义的主题的小说。它影响了一代又一代的读者,吸引各种孩子,成人,男人,及女人


另一个有趣的新颖内容是Bertha梅森. Bronte自己,拿维多利亚精神病理论的最新发展,是伯莎的行为,"道德风"(73qtd.在Showalter). 过去被认为是女性更容易受到这种疾病. 性欲是一种道德精神的主要症状妇女. 受到严厉的制裁,它被视为不正常或病态. 据Showalter,伯莎周期的进攻方面显示出的月经周期,许多医生维多利亚理解为一个系统的控制女性性行为. 罗彻斯特的共谋破坏妻子的精神表示詹氏认识到第三个故事的相似之处走廊"Blubeard的城堡"(138Bronte). 在试图说服她成为他的情妇罗切斯特问:"如果你发现,你想你恨?" "我的确先生,"简回答,她确实是正确的(328Bronte). 伯莎死亡"的舞蹈<肉清洗",任何成功必须先与工会之间的罗彻斯特简. 当他们终于结婚,成为平等",这不仅