
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 10:05:22
摘 要

目前电子商务发展中出现的问题在各个国家都会遇到,许多国家已经开始建立这样的管理机构,相信这将成为一种有效管理和协调电子商务运作的机制。 我国电子商务发展至今并不成熟,网上贸易规模也比较小,与传统商务相比较,尚无竞争的实力,对这一新生事物采取适当的优惠政策,是扶持它成长壮大的有效措施,不能视为是对其他事物的政策歧视。话又说回来,绝对平等的事物也是没有的。WTO的最惠国待遇原则在处理经济实力相等国家之间的贸易关系是平等有效的,但对于经济实力不相等国家之间的贸易,最惠国待遇只能达到形式上的平等,对弱国来说实际上是不平等,这是否也是一种歧视,否则就不会有后来的“普遍优惠制方案”,即允许发达国家通过制定“普惠制方案”对发展中国家出口的产品提供比最惠国关税还要优惠的关税。我国在改革开放初期对经济特区和如今对西部地区实行的各种优惠政策也并非是对其他地区的政策歧视,事实已经证明并将继续证明这些优惠政策有利于我国国民经济的持续发展。

关键词:电子商务 消费者 企业 市场 信息


Electronic commerce development present problems in various countries will meet in many countries have started to build such management institution, believe it will become a kind of effective management and coordination mechanism of e-commerce. China's e-commerce development so far is not mature, online trade size is small, compared with the traditional commerce, no competition strength of this new things and take appropriate preferential policy, is it growing effective measures, to other things are not as discrimination against the policy. Again, the absolute equality is not the things. WTO most-favoured-nation treatment principle in dealing with the economic strength of the trade relations between countries equal equal effective, but is not equal to economic strength of trade between countries, most-favoured-nation treatment can reach the equality in form, it is actually not equal in poor, whether it is a kind of discrimination, otherwise wouldn't have later "common&q