
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 18:28:58

2.2 历史方面
中国历史悠久,包括长达两千多年的封建统治,这种意识直接影响着现代人价值观的形成。现代中国人依然较顺从权威,尊重长辈,重视个人的身份,强调安分守己。相比之下,早在 17 世纪,英国的资产阶级就推翻了封建统治建立了资本主义社会,工业革命大幅度提高了人们的物质生活水平,还彻底解放了人们的思想。资本主义的民主思想也逐渐遍及整个西方社会。西方人崇尚个体,向往自由平等。这种历史环境的不同使中西方的个体意识产生了很大的差异。

就这句 ~实在翻译不行 ~嗨 很痛苦 ~论文为什么这么难啦0_0!挽救我吧 ~!

Dominated by the cultural theory of human nature is human evil human nature theory of thinking. A basic concept of Christianity is the "original sin, said," Christian original sin that a person's original sin in the soul rather than in the body, rather, were guilty not only physically, but more importantly is the soul of guilt. They believe that human nature the same as bestiality. In the pursuit of individual interests in the process, it is inevitable conflicts of interest. Human nature is evil, human nature being good does not have a proactive nature, but humans have a reason. With the development of humanism, humanist, believing that people both the good side and evil side of human nature, but must be controlled and overcome evil, or evil people will eventually be felt. It is precisely because there are evil and have a rational human nature, so Western countries, more emphasis on the importance of oversight mechanisms, and their rule is thus a more sound legal conce