
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 18:14:43
1 长沙这个鬼地方(褒义,俏皮的语气)
2 这是一本给外地人看的,介绍长沙方方面面的书,不过,本地人也能在里面发现很多有趣的说法和现在已经很少有人知道了的传说。
3 我是上个月在图书店里很偶然的看到这本书的,因为名字很有趣所以买了。本来只作消遣用,但是看过后,里面的内容给了我大大的惊喜。
4 我们可以在其中找到关于地名和食品的传说和历史史实,还有近期长沙吃喝玩乐佳处的介绍。
5 我将这本书介绍给了我的朋友和父母,他们也很喜欢。

1 Changsha to this place a ghost
2 This is a copy of it to outsiders looking to introduce all aspects of Changsha, the book, but inside the local people can also find a lot of interesting things to now very few people know the legend.
3 I was really by accident last month in the book store to see this book, because it was so very interesting to buy. Originally used only for recreational use, but read the post, which gave me the contents of the big surprises.
4 we can find the names and food on the legends and historical facts, as well as the recent introduction of Changsha, eat, drink good at.

Changsha, where the ghost

This is a copy of it to outsiders looking to introduce all aspects of Changsha, the book, but inside the local people can also find a lot of interesting things to now very few people know the legend.

I was really by accident last month in the book store to see this book, because it was so very interesting to buy. Originally u