
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 06:50:27

Marx once said - the success of the road there are many of crooked road, and only a brave man to reach the glorious summit. Indeed, the success of the road is bumpy, and only rely on its own right attitude, to be successful.
In my memory, there is such a story - have a personal as boat overturned, and can only rely on a board floating in the water, grasping a day of live fish to eat, drink water. Because of his strong will, and finally found two months after the Coast Guard, and saved on the shore. This is the legendary story of ordinary people, he can rely on our own will and the attitude of the difficulties to earn a victory in war and death. Also its contrary, while some people have not the slightest confidence in themselves so that their failure in business, friendship failure ... ... eventually regret their own life.
Qing Zheng Xie wrote such a poem: "Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax, rooted in the original rock-breaking. 1000 Mill 10000 Jian Jin was also hit, he ser