
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 13:51:35
地理位置、面积、人口、气候:宾州北滨伊利湖、纽约州、东接新泽西州,南临特拉华州,马里兰州,西弗吉尼亚州,西接俄亥俄州。为温和大陆性气候,全年降雨量约35至50英寸。该州面积45, 308平方英里,全美排名第三十三位。人口11, 994,000人(1999年统计) ,为全美第六位。
首府:哈利斯堡 (Harrisburg) ,州内主要工商业中心有费城,匹兹堡、Allen Town等。
政治体制:宾州采联邦制,州长、副州长、主计长、检察总长由直接选举产生,为二级政府组织分成州政府及县、市政府。另依三权分立原则分为州议会 (众院及参院) 即立法部门,州长为主的行政部门及独立的司法部门。司法部门分成最高法院、上诉法院及一般法院综合审理民、刑事案件。
1999年宾州人均收入为2万8, 676美元,居美国第十七位,劳动人口约596万,其中非农业劳动人口为553万。该州传统产业为采矿与冶炼业、农业及制造业;具发展潜力的产业有电脑、电子业、生化制药业、精密工具机、印刷业、健保产业及仪器设备产业,全美五百大企业中有26家公司总部设於该州,如Cigna、USX、Rite Aid及Alcoa等。

The state named in honor of William Penn, founder of its original colony, was also the site of the first Continental Congress, and is perhaps best known as the place where that subversive document, the Declaration of Independence, was drafted and signed in 1776. In the 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution replaced America's struggle for freedom from British rule, Pennsylvania's contributions to mining, manufacturing, and transportation were significant. And though the coal and petroleum industries have been hit hard in recent years, their production is still central to the state's highly diversified economy.
Pennsylvania's cities are centers of culture and learning: the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh symphony orchestras are highly regarded throughout the country; the Andrew Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh and the Philadelphia Museum of Art curate major traveling exhibitions year-round, in addition to housing their own impressive permanent art collections; and