什么是HuRef genome

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 09:33:43

HuRef Genome其实就是人类注解基因组(The Human Reference Genome)。是指经过注解的人类基因组。楼上所说的HuRef Genome Browser是浏览HuRef Genome的浏览器,是一个网站。

应该是HuRef Genome Browser才对吧,一个数据库,你可以简单地理解和GeneBank一样……


The Human Reference Genome Browser (HuRef) is a Web application for the navigation and analysis of Venter's recently published genome. This browser enables access to the diploid genome sequence of J. Craig Venter as recently published in PLoS Biology.

这个是J. Craig Venter的基因组,不是我们说的Human Reference Genome。