
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 20:24:50


Up to now, top Shanghainese are still best suited as a senior staff in a big international company, instead of the president that rules the region. Shanghainese are visionary but not aggressive, adapatable but not creative, refined but not tough, up-to-date but not taking the risks. Shanghainese are always waiting for something interesting to happen, but not easily satisfied with the realistic world. As a result, there come the ever-lasting complaints and complaints alone bind them to the way they are.

Even today, even if the leader of Shanghai people, the most suitable positions Naishi a multinational senior staff of large enterprises, while hardly the first president and full of daring. Shanghai people's eyes far more than aggressive, adaptable and far more than create a force. Have you gra