
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 12:24:49
通过对我国酒店行业的市场结构 分析 和价格竞争的成因分析,运用管理 经济 学原理,提出了 中国 酒店业运用消费者导向定价策略的具体做法,即:在充分了解、开发消费者需求的基础上实施差异化经营,减少消费者剩余,提高酒店利润,追求酒店与消费者、酒店与酒店间的“多赢”。



Based on the analysis of the hotel industry market structure, the cause analysis and competitive price, economic management, puts forward the principles of Chinese hotel use consumer oriented pricing strategies, namely: in the full understanding of consumer demand and development on the basis of management, implement differentiation, improving consumer surplus reduce profit, the pursuit of hotel and hotels, hotels and hotel rooms consumers "win-win".

China's hotel industry pricing strategy;Consumer orientation;Management economics

Through the market structure of China's hotel industry analysis and analysis of the causes of price competition, using the management principles of economics, made use of China's hotel industry, consumer-oriented pricing strategy, specific practices, namely: in the full understanding of the development on the basis of consumer demand implementation of the different operations, reducing consumer surplus, increased hote