
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 19:40:15

文字中抒写着芒果街的点点滴滴,有时候真实的纪录却又让人忍不住给予太多太多的同情,例如:罗莎‧法加斯(rosa vargas)太太孩子太多又tired all the time from buttoning and bottling and babying以致于她没有办法去照顾他们,one of them exploded down to earth without even an”oh”,又或者追求爱情的萨丽(sally)真的找到爱情以后,却又关在了另一个牢笼。但即便拉丁裔在美国过的很辛苦,书中还是流露出对未来的美好憧憬和希望。埃斯佩郎莎想离开芒果街,想拥有一间自己的房子,想找到自己甜蜜的枷锁,想去帮助更多的人们寻找幸福……当你读到她的少女的 小秘密时,是否会突然一怔,继而若有所思地说:“呀,好象我也是这样。”

像我最喜欢的童话《彼得•潘》里永无岛上的小仙子那样,轻轻跃入我的脑海, 从中打捞一件又一件旧得泛黄,几乎被遗忘的记忆。于是我产生了一种错觉,好象拾回了年幼时那些曾经。当看到埃斯佩朗莎和妹妹穿着妈妈的旧高跟鞋在大街上乱逛;我想到以前8岁时偷穿爸爸的西装在镜子前一边想象自己是某家公司的CEO,她和猫皇后凯茜、描埃及眼圈的萨丽以及唯一的大朋友鹭鸶儿之间像白纸一样单纯的友谊;胆小的她在餐厅里边哭边吃米饭三明治;一边照镜子一边想象电影中嘴唇红红的女主角……我的目光掠过清澈得像盛夏溪底的鹅卵石般的文字,指尖拂过被台灯注视过的、烘炉里的大麦面包一样温暖的纸页,似乎又触摸到了记忆里的那个,渴望长大的我,觅寻友情的我

Esperanza Lang Sha (esperanza), their family Xiangfengyiyang floated here and there, often moving, and finally can live in mango street, no longer move, but not as she would like to house it, she even to say "That is my home" and felt ashamed, in addition, she has no way to clear yourself what you really is not like it.
It is home to brown-skinned people, white people afraid of them, but in fact, espe Langsha know, there is only a group of friends sometimes quarrel, the same is not wealthy neighbors. Text of the book is not as the color of this book so attractive, it is not like a book, more like a childish young espe Langsha overflowing diary, but like the old grandmother for the children talked about She had time for children.
Compose the text of the Mango Street, bit by bit, and sometimes the records of the real people can not help but to give too much sympathy, for example: Mrs. Rosa ‧ Fargas too many children also tired all the time from buttoning an