
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:09:03
原文:“他喜欢下中国象棋。在虚拟的战局中排兵布阵,运筹帷幄,与对手博弈,他总是能够感受到其中的无穷乐趣。At school age he also attended many mathematics competitions. Although he has never won any big awards his favorite subject is still mathematics. 他对中国象棋和数学的热爱促使他选择了工业工程(Industrial Engineering),作为他的研究生学习研究方向。他希望以后能够在真实的世界中,更确切的说,应该是在工业生产领域中,进行合理规划,并优化生产过程,与现有的资源博弈,来提高目前生产的质量和效率。这是他的目标。他的勤奋刻苦和和独立精神也会帮助他朝着这个目标不断前进。”



He is fond of playing Chinese chess (a board game existed as an archetype of the Game Theory for a long history). Amid the virtual battlefield, he has taken inexhaustible pleasure in fielding formation and mapping out tactics and strategies against his opponents. Besides, during school age he also attended many mathematics competitions. Although never won any significant award, he still pays a keen passion for mathematics. Therefore, out of the ardent love for Chinese chess and mathematics, he chooses to pursue the Industrial Engineering for his postgraduate study and research direction. What this means in practice as he expected, or more exactly, in the industrial operation, is to make rational planning, optimize the production structure and weigh the benefits and adversities in terms of available resources on the purpose of improving quality and raising efficiency of industrial production. There lies his ultimate goal; and he has a firm belief that with his diligence and spirit of