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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:39:19
2) Their common features
■ Age characteristics——25-50岁,其中又以中青年为主力消费群。
■ Industry characteristics:
▲ 收入稳定的知识分子,如教师、公务员、事业Unit的职工等,文化素质高;
▲ 私企业主,私企和外企的白领一族,高级主管,广告人,设计师,IT、证券、银行等到朝阳行业的专门人才,且集中在南海、禅城区一带工作、活动。
■ Consumer features:
▲ 以在桂城附近置业为理想,要求产品性价比合理;
▲ 以便于工作为第一出发点,明确体现“时间就是金钱”,不能容忍浪费在路途上的时间,同时,又希望居住环境理想;
▲ 对居所如其他消费品一样,都具有名牌消费意识;
▲ “城里一套公寓,城外一套别墅”,城里交通方便、配套完善,城外环境、宁静舒适,所以,不排除二次置业的潜在消费力;
▲ 具备一定事业的基础及相当经济实力,收入长期且稳定;
▲ 社交圈子广泛,消费方向往往影响一群人。
■ Demand characteristic:
▲ 向往居住与工作双便利的生活模式;
▲ 有显示身份、追求高品位生活与高品位的文化领域的心理需求;
▲ 除基本的居住功能外,希望物业能够赋予自身更多的生活享受和精神享受,如健康需求(环境+空气)、文化气息等。
Extra 50 points are promised!

age from 25 to 50, and the majority consumer group consists of the young and mid-aged.
intellectuals who has a steady income, such as teachers,servants,employees and so on.
the owner of a private enterprise, the employees of a foreign company or a private enterprise,senior supervisors,adpersonins,designers,IT talents,stock brokers and bankers who are living and working in the area of nanhai sea and chancheng region.
those who has the ambition of living around guicheng and requires a reasonable cost performance.



The story board is actuality a blue print of an animated cartoon.
As in building a house the blue print contains all the information needed to begin construction and follow a p