求哪位英文超强的大哥大姐帮忙翻译 高分悬赏(4)!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 02:22:34

14世纪末期开始,一种新的服装类型成为了这一时期服装的主要式样--houppelande。这可以说是西欧的最后一款男女通用式样的筒形衣服。女装的houppelande特点是高位腰身的宽松裙子,带一些曳襟,袖子宽大可达地面。这种衣服的另一个特点是装饰豪华,使用白貂皮领子和花样繁多的边缘装饰。随着时间的推移,上身制作的更为贴身,袖子也改为紧袖,配以带有轻薄型面纱(这类面纱实际只起装饰作用,几乎是透明的)的尖顶高帽,名为hennin帽(和我们以前很熟悉的纸糊高帽子几乎一模一样)。这样的打扮是否很熟悉呢?在许多描写中世纪的电影里公主和贵妇都戴这种hennin,但实际它的流行是在中世纪后期了。尖顶高帽这类服饰的出现使的哥特式服装的发展达到了一个新的高度--与哥特式建筑从神似到达了形似。<BR> 法国男装<BR> 前开式衣服传入欧洲以后,在装饰品中正式采用了纽扣。这一时期的服装有两大完全不同的种类:以pourpoint和裤子相结合的式样;筒形衣服houppelande。<BR> 这一时期的pourpoint在紧身、短的基础上又变化出新的类型:袖子膨大,又增加填充物使胸部、肩部膨大。同时,还出现过一种纽扣开在腋部的名为gippon的上衣,它与pourpoint的区别不是很大,因此到1420年以后就很少再出现gippon了。<BR> houppelande原是抵地面长的筒形衣,由于受pourpoint的影响而逐渐缩短,并与裤子配了起来。但其基本特点:宽松的袖子和衣身仍然保留着,再一个特征是领子可以遮盖到耳朵附近。衣料是有花样的缎子和当时流行的小四方格图案的毛织物。也有为贵族用的在黑缎子上以金线或彩色丝线刺绣的衣料,还有左右异色的、从左肩到右襟异色的。其装饰种类繁多,以现今的眼光看给人以怪诞的感觉。15世纪晚期开始,筒形衣完全退出了男装的主流发展,成为女装的专用形式。</P>


French Women

The late 14th century, a new type of clothing has become the main style clothing during this period - houppelande. It can be said that the last paragraph in Western Europe, tubular style unisex clothes. Women's houppelande is characterized by a high waist, loose skirt, with a number of drag breasted, wide sleeves up to the ground. Another feature of this dress is decorated luxury, the use of white mink collar and a large selection of decorative edges. As time goes by, upper body produce more close, tight sleeves, was changed to a sleeve, accompanied with a thin veil (the veil of reality only play such decorative role, is almost transparent) of the steeple hat, called hennin cap (and we had a very familiar folk furniture flattery is almost identical). This dress is very familiar with it? Described in many medieval princess and lady of the movies are all wearing this hennin, but actually it is popular in the late Middle Ages. The emer