
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 15:50:21
I suffer from at least some of the same parochialism, but my perspective is from a country whose imperialist heyday is definitively in the past, although of course it still quite happy to play an enthusiastic second fiddle in other people’s adventures. The character of the economic debate in the UK, particularly with regard to China’s competitive edge in many export industries, is quite different from that in the USA: there is much less talk of protectionism, for example. In addition, like every other British intellectual, even in the heyday of Empire, and whether an expert on foreign policy or not, I grew up on the concept of the `balance of power.’ True, it was the balance of power in Europe that I learnt about in history (first building alliances with German-speaking states to contain France, then building alliances with France to contain a newly-united and powerful Germany), and it was the precarious balance of power between the Free World and World Communism that dominated my

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我患至少有一些相同的狭隘,但我的观点是一个国家的帝国主义时代已经明确在过去,但当然还很高兴一个热情逊色于他人的冒险。辩论的特点,在英国的经济,尤其是中国的竞争优势,在许多出口产业,是非常不同的美:有多少少说话的保护主义,例如。此外,与所有其它英国知识,甚至在全盛时期的帝国,无论专家在外交政策上,我成长的“平衡”的概念,power. '真的,这是力量的平衡,我了解到欧洲历史上首次建筑联盟(德语系国家包含法国,然后建筑联盟与法国含有newly-united和强大的德国),它是不稳定的权力平衡之间自由的世界,世界的主宰我的成年生活的共产主义,但直到1991年的想法总是中央的平衡,以何种方式,我们被教导去思考这个世界。也许,十年后,1991年,那个旧工具已经不再是合适的,但从这类知识的背景下,当代中国的崛起是更容易理解,和更好的,作为一个过程,是铸全球的权力平衡,而不是作为一种威胁到现有的霸权。

我因至少某些同样的偏狭而受折磨但是我的透视是从一个帝国主义年轻力壮之时决定性地是在过去的国家虽然当然它仍然很愉快和一对热情第二小提琴比赛其它 people’s 历险。在英国中的特别经济上的和对关心在很多向的出口工业中的 China’s 有竞争力的边缘的辩论的个性在美利坚合众国中是很和那个不同:例如有少得多的保护主义的和的谈话。