
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 15:14:06
学生 萧萧 ,性别 女 一九八四年 九月 十三日生, 于二00三年 九月 至二00六年 六月 在我校计算机图形图像制作 专业 三年制专科普通全日制学习,修完教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,准予毕业。


It is hereby certified that, Xiao Xiao, female, born on September 13, 1984, was a full-time student of this University from September 2003 to June 2006 whilst undertaking a programme of Computer Graphics.

Miss Xiao has fulfilled all the requirements for the three-year speciality courses and passed all the examinations, and has been conferred to graduate.

My name is Xiao Xiao ,a student girl,born on September 13 , 1984.I make the ordinary fulltime of specialized department of three -year system of the speciality to study in the computer figure picture of our school from September of 2003 to June of 2006, having finished repairing all courses planned to stipulate in teaching.The achievement is qualified,permit graduating.

name:xiao xiao
Date of borth:13th Set.1984
Individual synopsis:
My major is Computer Graph Picture Manufacture and I studied in three years system faculty ordinary is full-time from Set.200