
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 16:37:26




Author of a region from north to south. The legend of liu young oacean lived in the west, then on the west FanKuai initiative sell vinegar, liu FanKuai often eat the meat doesn't give money, say on credit, often wish. As time went by, FanKuai this short, too, no interest for face, credit and moved to quietly by the hexi eastward to sell.

For three days, eating less meat liu ask a FanKuai know to across the river. Then, usually a wide region, a small boat, canoe, liu more money in the boat, just in time to see the mouth watering, swimming, an old turtle disregarding poor life back to the turtle jumped across the river. Then FanKuai are set to sell vinegar, liu asked FanKuai, business, FanKuai, three days without FaShi, dog saved a pick. Liu eat meat will see strange, said liu, who were around a eat, you rob, for I have put the dog days, selling, after that every market, liu let old turtle carry him to the river, FanKuai dog stands to eat meat.

FanKuai hate,