
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:37:01
我就是人见人爱,花见花开,车见车载,神见神抖,鬼见愁,山崩地裂水倒流,智慧与美貌并肩,英雄与侠义的化身,大名鼎鼎的人了! 你是不是对我的敬仰之情如滔滔江水延绵不绝,又如黄河决堤一发而不可收拾呀。哈哈

I was cute, flowers, see flowers, cars see the car, God see God shake, ghosts see the worry, Shanbengdelie water back, wisdom and beauty side by side, heroes and the embodiment of chivalry, the famous people of the! Are you my admiration for them, such as the surging river stretches without a break, and if the Yellow River burst its banks the situation as out of control!

i an that people meet people and love , flower sees the flower and bioom , car sees the car and put on record , god sees the god and trembie , ghost sees and worry , the water of landslide floes back ward , wisdom and beauty aye shoulder to shoulder , hero and chivalrous embodiment , big!
e...wo huai yi ni bian tai!!zhe me zi lian !!

I was cute, flowers, see flowers, cars see the car, God see God shake, ghosts see the worry, Shanbengdelie water back, wisdom and beauty side by side, heroes and the embodiment of chivalry, the famous people of the!