
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 09:17:35
yet at least east asia no longer seems quite so dependent on outside forces to keep it flying.the end of america's runaway expansion,marked by a drop in techology investment,has not hammered the region as hard as many feared.that is partly because asia's crisis-stricken economies are rebuilding trade with each other.although japan remains comatose,rapid growth in china's relatively small teade is adding to demand.these trends have helped exports to rebound from their drop in 2001.so far this year they have risen by more than 20 percent in local-currency terms in ROK,Malaysia and the Philippines,according to David Fernandez,a regional economist at J.P Morgan in Singapore.

Mr.Fernandez reckons that growth in exports will soon slow,as demand for business investment remains weak.His bank forecasts only 6 percent growth rate of the late 1990s.yet many east asian economies, notably ROK,have been offseting america's downturn in another way,by booking impressive grow




after1997 - 1998年,这些热钱并不总是受欢迎的,但是。也有其他的天空乌云。还不能肯定,亚洲的通货膨胀率下降是一个好现象,明确:一些coutries与通货紧缩pressures.andy谢,擒拿1摩根士丹利驻香港经济学家,儿指出,即使按照中国的邻国出口增加了当地货币计算大幅上升的美元价值一直stagnant.to实现与以前一样美元的国内生产总值,这些国家货币贬值抵消了出口volumes.their较高的经常帐盈余为64:36,使他们能够偿还外债,主要是因为进口的资本设备和其他投资的重要来源,已经下跌。