
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 06:58:27


American incubator has undergone continuous changes in the operating mechanism, in general include the following critical turning point : Appropri focus on the creation of new enterprises 80s of the last century incubator early stages of development, mostly by the government and local communities to create, for example, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and other early incubators are creating this way, and basically mixed with non-profit organizations based incubator. The starting point for creating an incubator is to provide jobs through new enterprise, thus easing the high unemployment communities. So the incubation period for the creation of the function is to help solve problems encountered in the process of lowering the cost of creating enterprises. Its main functions include the provision of venues and infrastructure, a reasonable lease arrangement, equipped with basic business management functions such as accounting, and some of the functions of the government a