
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 07:46:41
1 诚信在所有美德中应列为首。
2 由于他的不诚实,我失去了和他交朋友的欲望。
3 虽然我们的生活环境还不尽如人意。
4 有时我们的英语学习似乎总停滞不前,但事实上并不一定如此。
5 通过网上学习,我们接触到许多新思维方式。
6 为了跟上世界贸易的进程,中国决定加入世贸组织。
7 大学生活让我懂得了独立的价值。
8 读书让我认识到了高品位的含义。

1 In all honesty as a virtue one should be first.
2 because of his dishonesty, his friends and I lost the desire.
3 While our living environment is not ideal.
4 Sometimes, we learn the English language appeared stalled, but it is not necessarily so.
5 through online learning, we have access to many new ways of thinking.
6 In order to keep up with world trade in the process, China has decided to accede to the WTO.
7 college life so I know the value of independence.
8 grade school taught me to a higher meaning.

1 good faith should list as the head in all moral excellence.
2 because he is dishonest, I have lost and him make friend's desire.
3 although our living conditions also not entirely as desired.
4 sometimes our English study as if always bogs down, but in fact certainly not necessarily so.
5 through the on-line study, we contacts to many new thinking modes.
6 in order to follow the wo