急需一篇主题是WHAT A COLLEGE SHOULD BE的英语短文 请大家帮帮忙哈 非常谢谢~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 08:08:11
侧重点是学校最好了 而不是学生吧 谈谈大学应该有的生活应该是什么样的~

ake a deep breath before you act. Give your child a chance to work things out. "Even a crying infant eventually learns to fall asleep without being held. When your homesick freshman calls in tears, listen and give her a chance to work things out," Coburn says.

Help your child learn to negotiate conflicts. "Encouraging your toddler to use words rather than grab her shovel back from another child in the sandbox may be the first lesson in the art of conflict resolution. When a freshman is learning to live with a stranger, a gentle reminder of these skills may be just what is needed."

Help your child learn to cope with disappointment. Empathize with your grade school age child when he isn't invited to a birthday party or is the last one picked for the kickball team. "Instead of trying to 'fix it,'" says Coburn, "help him to move on. The high school star athlete may become a bench warmer in college, and the high school

急需一篇主题是WHAT A COLLEGE SHOULD BE的英语短文 请大家帮帮忙哈 非常谢谢~ 求一篇演讲稿主题是Giving a helping hand as a volunteer 各路高手帮帮忙啊,急需一篇关于”life is what we make of it"为主题的演讲稿!急 请帮一下忙:急需一篇人生哲理论文,主题是“我是这样看待人生的” 急需一篇主题是敏而好学,不耻下问的辩论稿子 急需一篇情景剧本 主题是心灵与奥运共舞 急需 a hungry dog 英文作文一篇``` 英语智力题:“what letter is a body of water?”的答案为什么是c 急需一篇英语演讲稿,主题是nothing is impossible,如果谁有的话,请帮我一下,谢谢 我急需一篇以师德为主题的通讯文章,大部分是赞美老师的话,各位帮帮忙