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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 09:26:53
the opposite is the case in india, where the friend's role is to "sense" a person's need and do something about it. the idea of reciprocity as we know it it unheard of. an american in india will have difficulty if he attempts to follow american friendship patterns. he gains nothing by extending himself in behalf of others, least of all gratitude, because the indian assumes that what he does for others he does for the good of his own psyche. he will find it impossible to make friends quickly and is unlikely to allow sufficient time for friendships to ripen. he will also note that as he gets to know people better, they may become more critical of him, a fact that he finds hard to take. what he does not know is that one sign of friendship in india is speaking one's mind.

印度在这方面恰恰相反,在那里朋友的角色是满足朋友的需求和为其做事情.我们所知道的互惠的概念在那里是听不到的。在印度的美国人如果试图遵循美国的友谊模式那么其将会遇到麻烦的。当他们以这种方式对待别人时,其会一无所获,甚至连感激都没有,因为印度人认为其向他人所作的行为是为了满足其自己的灵魂. 其会发现在这里想迅速的交上朋友是不可能的,并且也没有足够的时间来使这种友谊成熟起来. 他也将会注意到当他开始了解他人更多的时候,他人也会变得对其更为具有批评性.他会发现这种事实是很难改变的.他不知道的是在印度友谊的标志就是打开自己的思想

....这种事在印度却恰恰相反,所谓朋友是人们感觉上的一种需要以及为这种需要做出反映.这种相互补充的观点正如我们所知的那样(什么叫as we know it it unheard of?朋友你打错了吧).在印度的美国人如果想以美国的交友方式寻找朋友将会碰到一些麻烦.......
