
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 09:34:00


如果觉得我错漏太多要修改太麻烦的话,也可以自己翻译^ ^

希望能尽快收到回答~!越详细越好~! 现在给出50分是因为怕会出现无满意答复,得到详细的答复我会追加50分赏分,说话算数,谢谢大家!!



1.The Characteristic of America Education

◎Be cautious when commend or criticize

◎Do not to compare to others student

◎Think a lot of benefit practice and but make light of reputation

2.Have a restricted view of American education in three sentence in America


◎The Wind Of Freedom Blows

◎Made In China

以下是讲话内容: > <

◎Be cautious when commend or criticize

The teachers in America are seldom to commend a student in public places. One the one hand,they think that it is a hint that othe

1.The Characteristic(s) of America Education

Be sensitive with complimentary and critical remarks.
Do not compare one child to another.
Do not compare students with each other.

◎Think a lot of benefit practice and but make light of reputation
Emphasize more on cooperative learning and make light of elitism.
Encourage cooperative learning and discourage elitism.

2. My view of American education ,summarizing in three sentences.


◎The Wind Of Freedom Blows

◎Made In China
Be sensitive with complimentary and critical remarks.

◎我不同意你说的关于美国教师不在公开场合表扬学生的观点.相反他们公开大力表扬学生,但是他们表扬时,是表扬什么行为,而不是空洞地说某个学生好,听话. 我可不可以给出我的意见?( Can I say a few words?)
American teachers always believe in positive teaching. Whenever they make compliments, they emphase on specific good behaviors. For example, the teachers would say,” I like the way Johnny sits.” Or “ I