帮忙翻译 赏分!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 17:29:15

也许我错了 但已经发生了 也许我们时间不对 但在一起时是美好的. 你曾经也是我的全部 我知道我有多爱你 但现在已经不需要我再付出我的爱了.时间已经过去 我只是还很希望能够和你成为聊心事的好朋友 ..最近发生了很多事让我很郁闷..身边没有人在支持着我. 我快挎下来了. 我很累..很累...
英文..给前男友在Qzone里留的言.他那边看不到中文 thanks.

Maybe I've done something wrong.
But it has happened.
Maybe we just meet at a wrong time.
But we've spent a good time together.
You used to be my whole world and I knew how much I loved you.
Now there is no need for me to love you any more.
All has been passed.
But I still hope that we can be good friends,and that we can talk to each oter.
Recently, I've been troubled with a lot of things.
No one around me can support me.
I doubt whether I can get through this.
I feel tired, very tired...