
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 01:29:54
1、公司按照GB/T19001-2000 itd ISO9001-2000质量管理体系标准建立了质量管理体系。本着以顾客为关注焦点的原则开展合同评审、质量策划、产品设计和开发,对采购、生产制造、产品检验、工程安装调试和交付、销售和售后服务过程的质量管理。以实现公司质量体系持续有效的发展,来不断满足顾客要求和期望的目的,并努力超越顾客的希望。
2、“大江东去,浪淘尽、千古风流人物。故垒西边……”。文豪苏东坡在赤壁怀古时感慨万千挥毫写就这千年绝唱。悠悠岁月没有因时间长河的流逝而改变自然规律,世纪的交替仍然是“日月盈昃,辰宿列张”。 在“众望所归”氛围中、在“鼎力相助”的自勉和期盼下,一面鲜艳的旗帜飘扬在古都金陵的上空,摇曳在扬子江两岸。
公司成立伊始,我们就奉行“志于道、据于德、依于仁、游于艺”的古训 。

1, GB/T19001-2000 itd according to ISO9001-2000 quality management system standards established a quality management system. In order to carry out the principle of focus on customer contracts accreditation, quality planning, product design and development, purchasing, production, product testing, engineering installation and commissioning and delivery, sales and after-sales service quality management process. Quality System in order to achieve effective and sustainable development of the company to continue to meet customer demands and expectations, the hope and strive to exceed customers. 2, "down the drain, waves exhaust themselves, eternal treated. : : Base west it. " Cliff paint with emotion when the writer Su wrote this millennium Masterpiece. Long long time because of the passage of time does not change the laws of nature by the turn of the century is "the moon and profits decline, General Zhang places out." "Display" atmosphere, the "stron