
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:24:45
how are you doing? Still mining ice? Let me know where you are at the weekend and we go exploring ok?

你 怎 么 样 ?还 在 挖 掘 冰 (不 是 毒 品 吧 ?)? 周 末 给 我 打 电 话 我 们 一 起 去 寻 找 好 吗 ?

回 答 :

取 决 于 你

接 受 yeah, I am fine. still work on it. this weekend? why not. I will give you a call.

婉 拒 I am good. thanks, and you? I don't think we can make it this weekend, what about next time.


你是怎样? 还是冰开采. 我知道你在周末,我们可以去探索.