翻译- a----2个小时内

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 04:18:16
The history of humanity has been marked by fundamental changes in the way we live, work and play. Many of these changes were brought about by revolutions in communication technology and are reflected in the history of ITU since its creation on 17 May 1865.

While our role has broadened and expanded over the years, our main mission remains to help the world's people to communicate. This need is as basic to humanity as its quest for prosperity and peace.

That purpose may have been best expressed by one of our founding members when he addressed the representatives of the 20 countries gathered in Paris to create ITU. "We have met here as a veritable Peace Congress", he said because the means of communication provide "the speedy and unbroken link to the scattered members of the human race". He stressed the fact that, through communications, people can exchange ideas and thoughts and therefore "reduce misunderstandings which are frequently th

人类历史记载了人类生活、工作和娱乐方面所发生的根本变化。其中许多变化归功于通信技术方面的革命。自1865 年5 月17 日国际电信联盟创立以来,这些变化也反映在国际电联的历史中。光阴荏苒,国际电联的作用在不断扩大,但是我们为世界人民的沟通与交流牵线搭桥的使命依然如初。人们渴望繁荣与和平,同样也渴望沟通交流,这都是人们的基本需要。当来自20 个国家的代表在巴黎举行国际电联成立大会时,一位创始人在致辞中就明确阐述了国际电联的宗旨。他说,“我们在此召开的会议是一次真正意义上的和平大会”,这是因为通信手段“为遍布世界各地的人们提供了一个快捷且永不中断的沟通渠道”。他着重指出,人们可以借助通信手段,交流思想观点,从而“减少误解,而误解往往是战争的起”。
2003 年是国际电联历史上又一重要年份。今年12 月10-12 日,世界各国政界、商界、媒体和民间团体的领袖们将云集日内瓦,出席信息社会世界高峰会议第一阶段会议。在此具有历史意义的高峰会议上,我们将共同展望正在到来的“信息时代”,制定一项行动计划,以保证所有人都受益于信息通信技术。国际电联在高峰会议的组织过程中发挥着主要管理作用。