
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 15:35:54
一个年轻时只顾自己的人,将会变成一个非常吝啬的人,老来便是一个无可救药的守财奴。 ——豪斯

一个人年轻的时候需要有个幻象,觉得自己参预着人间伟大的活动,在那里革新世界,他的感官会跟着宇宙所有的气息而震动,觉得那么自由,那么轻松。他还没有家室之累,一无所有,无所惧。因为一无所有,所以能慷慨地舍弃一切。 ——罗曼·罗兰

做一个善良的人,为群众谋幸福。 ——高尔基

荣耀归于身经无数年代战斗的勇猛战士,他们已为我们保有了无价的自由遗产。 ——罗素

花朵以芬芳熏香了空气,但它的最终任务,是把自己献给你。 ——泰戈尔

你要欣赏自己的价值,就得给世界增添价值。 ——歌德

A young hour attends to an own person, will become a very stingy of person, old to would be an incurable slave to money. -Hao Si

A personal young time demand contain a mirage, feel the oneself takes part in the activity of the human life greatness, reforming world over there, his sense organs will come after a cosmos all breathing but vibrate, feel so and freely, so relaxed.He also didn't tired wife and children, very poor, have no fear to.Because very poor, so can abandon everything lavishly. - The Man · Lan

BE a person of docile, strive for a happiness for the crowd. -Al Gore ji

The honor returns the brave warrior that was fight by numerous ages in the body, they have already preserved invaluable free inheritance for us. - Vegetable

Blossom with fragrant smoked joss-stick air, but its end mission, dedicate the oneself to you. -Tagore

You have to appreciate an own value, have to increase value for world. -The song is virtu