
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 03:41:39
Question: Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers. In so saying, subjects such as music or sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years, public attention to education issues is rising rapidly as more people are willing to receive better education. One of the opinions is that since it is the academic subjects that contribute to their future career, the non-academic subjects don’t seem so important and beneficial compared to the former ones. In this essay, I’ll give reasons as to why I disagree with this opinion and why the two kinds of subjects are both of vital importance.
Nowadays, students tend to be under much greater pressure and stress than before and in turn, suffer from a lack of relaxation. The non-academic subjects could provide the students with a change in the pace of study and at the same time reduce the tedium and monotony of school life. Take music co

给你一点建议吧 个人意见
1.结构 从结构来看 你是习惯写五段式的 不过我认为你应该在中间三段中加重前两段的分量 让步段通常是要少于前两个论证段的 当然了具体怎么写还是看你的想法 不过既然选择五段式 而且不是native speaker的情况下 还是要中规中矩地遵从习惯吧
2.句式 我想句型应该更加多变一些 这个并不难 你只要再写的时候记住 这一句写了主谓结构 下一句就一定用别的就行了 常用的海不容易错的 比如 正常句型 倒装 被动语态 强调句 there be 句型等等 句型多变是写作成功的重要因素
3.词汇 多运用四六级词汇而不是高中英语词汇 以你的第一段为例 rising rapidly 这里的rapidly就是一个应该被换掉的词 换成dramatically considerably significantly等等 另如I disagree这些词汇像agree disagree在老外眼中是见得最多的 也就最不容易拿分 你可以说 You hold the view 或者vote for

总之这是我的一些小小的建议 希望对你有帮助
不过看你这篇文章 考试的时候如果能够控制住字数
并且能够按时间完成的话 6分是没有问题的
都是考过雅思的朋友 祝你成功吧
