a close shave

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 02:14:23
a close shave是什么意思啊?

a close shave也叫close call

英文解释为:escape by the skin of one's teeth

close shave noun [C] (ALSO close call)
when you come extremely close to a dangerous or unpleasant situation or only just manage to avoid it:
I had a close shave this morning, - some idiot almost knocked me off my bike.

n.剃光头发, 侥幸的脱险

A narrow escape (A barely successful flight from or avoidance of danger or trouble), a close call, a near miss.
死里逃生, 九死一生, 一发千钧, 幸免于难